Tom Sawyer Perspectives, Java Edition

Release 6.1.0

DateApril 30, 2014


This release introduces Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for web applications. Several new preferences have been added to allow you customize the interactive behavior of your applications. The Overview can now resize dynamically to match the drawing bounds. This release also adds a new Big Data example using the Neo4j integrator.



  • The Overview resizes dynamically to match the drawing bounds
  • Added expanded node interaction preference to apply to an entire expanded node or to the expanded node border only
  • Added hover delay preference
  • Added link navigation speed preference
  • Added dashed borders style for solid objects in HTML5 views
  • Added JavaScript command to invoke layout on a drawing in web applications

Data Integration

  • Support to change the data source for the Neo4j integrator in the Tom Sawyer Perspectives Previewer


  • Added an option to remove bend points for multi-edge routing

Web Service

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection support


  • Added Cineasts movies and actors example



  • Improved the speed of precise shape calculation in both desktop and web applications
  • Enhanced text rendering customization


  • Improved table sorting


  • Improved geographic information system (GIS) functions to recognize data in different formats
  • Improved map marker coloring to support grayscale images and coloring with different tones of the same color

Data Integration

  • Improved RDF integrator support for SPARQL 1.1
  • Improved encoding support for the RDF integrator
  • Improved error messages that can potentially be seen by the Neo4j integrator


  • Improved one-line diagram layout


  • Improved web proxy access for hosted licensing

Web Applications

  • Improved session serialization


  • Improved logging system to produce clearer log output messages


  • Various improvements in all areas of the documentation


  • Improved the drawing templates used by the Drawing Persistence application
  • Improved the Network Flow example to use the flowing edge UI
  • Improved the WebSocket Push tutorial to use the Java Specification Requests (JSR) 356 implementation

System Requirements

  • Added support for these application servers:
    • Eclipse Jetty 9.1
    • Red Hat WildFly 8
  • Dropped support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7


  • Element selection using right-click works properly in HTML5 applications
  • View refresh JavaScript command works properly when the Tom Sawyer Perspectives Designer module consists of several models
  • SWT bridge works properly with JDK 7 on Apple OS X
  • Enhanced license manager to respond to many threads simultaneously requesting licensing initialization
  • Non-ASCII characters show correctly in Neo4j integrator results
  • Fixed an intermittent exception during animation in web applications
  • Fixed an intermittent exception during link navigation scrolling in desktop applications
  • Fixed an exception when using an image background UI element within a drawing template


  • None