Tom Sawyer Perspectives, Java Edition

Release 12.0.0

DateOctober 25, 2023


This release includes further usability improvements to create and use Perspectives applications. The new Load Neighbors feature allows Perspectives users to incrementally load data for all views, without custom code, and without needing to know the Gremlin or Cypher query languages. The ability to commit changes made in the model back to the database is now available with projects that use Query Builder. Schema Editor now includes functionality to add comments and flags to schema element types and attributes. The drawing view now supports the ability to create and configure labels for meta-edges based on the data of model elements represented by the meta-edge.

Analysis improvements include the addition of the new PageRank Centrality analysis algorithm as well as the ability to add Cycle Breaking Edge Detection and Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms directly in the Designer. The Generate Web Application Code feature now supports projects that contain custom Java code.

This version of Perspectives also includes completely redesigned documentation. The updated documentation has a new look and feel, is more responsive, is easier to search and navigate, includes embedded videos, and lets you copy and send URL links to specific topics.

Many third-party libraries have been updated to eliminate potential vulnerabilities.


Schema Editor

  • Added a way to add and read element type and attribute comments
  • Added flags capability to mark element types and attributes


  • Added support for custom Java code in the Generate Web Application Code feature


  • Added the ability to incrementally load neighbors of selected elements for Apache TinkerPop-compliant, Amazon Neptune openCypher, and Neo4j databases
  • Drawing
    • Added functionality to create and configure labels for meta-edges based on the data of model elements represented by the meta-edge
    • Added the ability to set layout properties for meta-edge labels
    • Added the ability to configure meta-edge templates per data properties


  • Added PageRank Centrality algorithm
  • Cycle Breaking Edge Detection and Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms are now available in the Designer



  • Improved database commit architecture to better support database consistency when using Query Builder
  • Added support for parameters in the RDF integrator

Schema Editor

  • Improved performance of schema elements selection actions for large schemas


  • Improved the ability to simultaneously generate schema code for multiple targets


  • Drawing
    • Improved routing of edges incident to decision nodes in Hierarchical Layout with Orthogonal Edge Routing
  • Inspector
    • Added the option of Display Any Tags in the inspector view preferences which simplifies the inspector view configuration

Model-Based Engineering

  • Added support for Teamwork Cloud authentication when used with a load balancer

Business Process

  • Improved performance while working with Cypher queries in large processes


  • Improved documentation look and feel

System Requirements

  • Added support for the following operating system:
    • Apple macOS 14
  • Added support for the following databases:
    • Apache TinkerPop 3.6.5
    • JanusGraph 0.6.3
    • MongoDB 4.10.2
    • Neo4j 5.12.0
    • OrientDB Java 3.2.22
  • Dropped support for the following databases:
    • Apache TinkerPop 3.6.2
    • JanusGraph 0.6.2
    • MongoDB 4.7.2
    • OrientDB Java 3.2.19
  • Image Map canvas is no longer supported. All existing projects using the Image Map canvas are automatically upgraded to use HTML5 rendering instead.


Schema Editor

  • Fixed bug in which the Overview action on Schema Drawing unexpectedly resized the drawing canvas panel


  • Fixed bug in model deserialization to support cases where certain elements are missing


  • Drawing
    • Fixed bug in which connectors did not resize to contain their labels
  • Tree
    • Fixed bug in which items did not sort alphabetically

Model-Based Engineering

  • Fixed bug in which the web application tried to load localized JavaScript files


  • There is an issue using the default configuration for the HTTPS protocol with the Neo4j integrator. Contact Support for assistance in using this configuration.
  • The choices of Stamen Watercolor and Stamen Toner for Map Type options in Tom Sawyer Map View and OpenLayers Map View are not working as expected.